by Martin Charlton Communications Martin Charlton Communications

One of the quickest ways to differentiate legitimate business communication from spam is the quality of the writing. Improper grammar, misspellings and incomplete sentences in an email are signals to hit the delete button, with the assumption the message is a potential cyber security threat.

Bad writing that appears on a website or in a social media post most certainly will have people questioning the quality and credibility of a company’s work, especially its attention to detail.

This holds true for all written business communications. If it is not written well and carefully edited, a company risks being ignored. Good writing always makes a company look better.

Quality content is a must for a company’s social media presence, on its website, in news releases and news stories, blogs and speeches. These pieces require different styles of writing. It’s imperative to understand the difference.

An experienced writer is specially trained to understand and deliver these different writing styles. Having someone on your team who possesses this skillset will allow a company more time to focus on what it does best – run a business.

For example, writing for social media requires concise wording that fits within set character limits. It also needs to be punchy in order to attract the attention of readers. Writing for a website requires the understanding of readability – long and wordy content doesn’t work online. Website content is the right blend of words and phrases that make it possible for people to find you via search engines. A well-constructed news release or news story piques the interest of the audience and is relevant to the target audience. Doing this increases the chances of being read and shared.