On Oct. 2, 2024, Denovo Window & Door Inc. pleaded guilty in Saskatoon Provincial Court to one violation of The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020.

The company was fined for contravening 9-2 (2) (b) of the regulations (being an employer or contractor failed to ensure that workers use a fall protection system at a temporary or permanent work area where there is a possibility of injury if a worker falls less than three metres, resulting in the serious injury of a worker). As a result, the court imposed a fine of $50,0000 with a surcharge of $20,000, for a total amount of $70,000.

Three other charges were withdrawn.

The charges stemmed from an incident that occurred on Nov. 15, 2022, in Saskatoon, Sask. when a worker was seriously injured when they fell from a scaffold.