October is the month of Thanksgiving, and I am often reminded just how much we have to be thankful for living in this part of the world.
Each day, when we check in on the news of the world, front and centre are updates about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Here at home in Saskatchewan, we are working hard to ensure our industry has the employees it needs in order to complete the projects that our province needs done.
Ukrainians displaced by the conflict who are making their way to Canada are being met with services and supports to help them settle in our province. Finding work here is one of the obstacles they will need to overcome, but there are many in the province committed to helping them make the connections they need to secure employment.
I am proud to say SHCA is one of those organizations that is working to provide opportunities. To bring workers and company owners together, SHCA has been working with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Employer Services and others connected with Ukrainian immigrants.
SHCA connected with Andrii Stakhov, who is employment liaison with Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatchewan Provincial Council. He helps displaced Ukrainians every day to find employment after arriving in Canada.
An employment form has been developed by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatchewan Provincial Council. Each employer can post jobs. I would encourage all our members to fill out the employment form to communicate about opportunities to work for your company. We will be doing more to help them learn about our industry.
Andrii reviews resumés to understand what type of employment would suit each candidate, depending on their experience and credentials. He also considers their current ability to speak English.
There is also the Sunflower Network, which is a group of business and community leaders volunteering to help Ukrainian families building news lives in Saskatchewan. One of our members, Nemanishen Contracting, hired an employee they met through the Sunflower Network and are pleased with his progress of learning our industry.
Like I said, we take time in October to give thanks and I thought this was a good time to remember one of the reasons why I am thankful to live in Saskatchewan. Like many of our members, SHCA believes that if you can help someone in need, you should. Giving these folks – who are new to our great province – an opportunity to provide for their families has been very rewarding.
Thank you to all members who have expressed an interest in helping Ukrainians who are making Saskatchewan their new home.