SHCA would like to thank all the participants of the association’s Southern Golf Tournament in August. It was a beautiful day and a great opportunity to play and network with others in the industry.
Congratulations to all the players, and especially to the winners!

Sponsored by Husky Asphalt
Winner: Don Seen

Sponsored by Lester Communications Inc.
Winner: Alex Johnson

Sponsored by Lester Communications Inc.
Winner: Rebecca Unrau

Sponsored by Husky Asphalt
Winner: Kaitlyn Helmeczi

Congratulations to the tournament’s winning team!
Pictured left to right: Scott Donald (representing co-title sponsor Western Surety); Tanner Plaxton (representing co-title sponsor Korpan Tractor); and players Lome Schmell, Ryan Clark and Sean White (the team’s fourth player, Mike Sali, is missing from the photo)