Stay up to date with SHCA events, happenings, industry news and other announcements. Follow SHCA on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X and YouTube. And if you received this edition of The Interchange from a colleague who forwarded it to you, don’t forget to subscribe by visiting – that way, you’ll never miss updates that are important to you and your business.

Go one step further and tag SHCA and Shantel Lipp, SHCA president, in your social media posts. This will help SHCA market your company and share your news and updates with our followers. Encourage the communities you stay in to tag your company and SHCA in their online communications, too – we want to show the province the undeniable economic ripple our industry creates!

If you have anything that you would like SHCA to share on your behalf on social media, in The Interchange or on – whether it’s a project update, staff event, fundraisers, job announcements or postings, big announcements or more – send an email to the SHCA office and we’ll help you get the word out.