In February, SHCA sent a package to the respective Members of the Legislature on both sides of the house, regarding our continued concerns over delayed project tenders and slow awards. Along with this letter is a proposed timeline as well as economic information that support a continued need for a strategic, long-term plan for the government’s most important asset – our highway and transportation system.

We are asking all of our member companies to endorse our letter to strengthen the association’s position that the health of the heavy construction sector in Saskatchewan is critical to our province’s wellbeing. You can do that by contacting your local MLA, sharing this information with them and adding your voice and/or signature to our letter. 

Download the Microsoft Word version of the letter here; we ask you to add your signature and company name to the bottom and send it in to your MLA.

Tell them that Good Governments Invest in Good Roads because Good Roads build the economy, Good Roads save money, Good Roads save lives, Good Roads create jobs, Good Governments don’t cut corners. We need a procurement process with defined timelines, one that is transparent and doesn’t offload risk onto the businesses that lift up our economy and support local communities.

SHCA wants to be part of the solution when it comes to fixing the procurement process so it can save our members and taxpayers money. Please support our fight by sharing this information with your local MLA.

On behalf of the SHCA Board of Directors, we thank you for your interest in adding your voice to ours so that we can speak louder!

View the letter that was sent out to Saskatchewan MLAs here, and again, download the Microsoft Word version here so that you can add your signature and send it to your local MLA.